
Thanks for taking the time to look through my website. Since you are here, you must be interested in (or at least curious about!) what I can do for you. I’m so glad that you made it here!

I have lived the corporate life. I deeply understand the frustrations and challenges that come with the territory as well as the incredible opportunities for personal and professional growth. Your experience of the corporate career path can be one of struggle and depletion or one of passion and engagement…it really depends on your available tools and strategies for your continued growth and refinement.

This is where I help you.

about-howMy role as your Executive Coach is to help you figure out what you truly want most in your work and your career, craft your plans of action to get you there, support you every step of the way as you take powerful actions, identify when to pivot and refine as needed, and help you expand your capabilities as someone who can create anything they truly want.
(Note: This ability will serve you the rest of your life!).


I know that finding the right coach may feel a bit overwhelming. When I was first seeking professional coaching for myself as an executive, I knew I needed to find a trained coach who “got” what my own work life entailed: